
Dr. Sylvia Hood Washinton

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washinton

    It is amazing to me that almost 30 years have passed since I became professionally involved with environmental issues as an environmental scientist and humanist. I do think that I have something of value to offer to folks who are concerned about the environment on a personal level. Even those people who dare to care about people and places that they are not directly connected to may find my blog site helpful or at least informative.

Ok…I’m really over-educated so maybe this is why I think I might have something of value to offer to my blog visitors. With two doctorates one in environmental history (PhD)and the other in health (ND) and formal training in epidemiolgy (MPH) and systems engineering (MSE) my education and professional experience have exposed me to multiple environmental problems, issues and questions .

I’m looking forward to learning as well as sharing my thoughts with the larger community. All of my education and experience have convinced me that environmental problems and solutions are very complex and growing more complex each day.

I’m going to try and make the site relevant to as many people on multiple levels by making a diligent effort to keep visitors up to speed about current EJ events and policies; as well as highlighting ongoing EJ struggles across the globe and particularly at home in the USA.

Peace and Wellness to Everyone Everywhere…

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington, President & CEO

Environmental Health Research Associates, LLC

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